Entrepreneurship in the Information and Communications Technologies
IT Launch Box - The project is a response to the threat of coming from insufficient amount of skilled workers in the field of IT skills in Europe.
Project Goals
The main goal of the project is to increase the number of entrepreneurs in the IT sector and equip young people with the skills and knowledge of software development, making them more attractive in the labor market.
The project is aimed to young unemployed, potential and young entrepreneurs and organizations in the public, educational, non-profit and private sectors.
Goal of the project will be implemented through:
- Creation of an educational program in the area of programming and entrepreneurship (BootCamp) based on two pillars - education (programming, game production, entrepreneurship) and practical (work with real projects in companies). The program will be implemented through a variety of teaching methods, among others: games, solving real problems by gamification and open education through the Internet.
- Creation of online Mentoring Platforms for young people, who need support in the area of developing their business ideas, in the IT sector or general career development in this area. The platform will be designed to connect young, aspiring entrepreneurs with experienced business mentors.
The results of intellectual work (Intelectual Outputs)
- Creation of educational program for potential entrepreneurs from the IT sector (BootCamp). The main objective of the program is to provide young people with the skills and knowledge needed in the areas related to software development and entrepreneurship.
- Creation of Mentoring Platform designed to help young by the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the knowledge and advice of mentors, those who contributed to the development of the IT sector and have experience in entrepreneurship.

Project coordinator:
- Centrul de Excelenta Academica from Bucharest (Romania) - NGO
- ISource DOO from Bitolii (Macedonia)
- Institute of Enterpreneurship Development IED from Larisa (Greece)
- Instituto Tecnologico de Aragon from Saragossa (Spain)
- Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique from Porto (Portugal)
- Zavod Nefiks from Lublana (Slovenia)
- Kielce Technology Park from Kielce (Poland)