Startup Platforms for new ideas - Technopark BiznesHub
The main objective of the project is to create conditions conducive to the formation and development of innovative and technological enterprises.
The project support will be covered by 60 newly established enterprises, which will be provided with individual support necessary to carry out the work on the development of a new business idea, until prepare an appropriate, viable business model.
For who?
An individual person or team of individuals 35 years of age who report to the platforms start with an innovative idea for a product / service that will be able to be covered by the support platforms start to prepare innovative product or service in the form of minimum version of the product.
What support?
- Work on the development of the idea are carried out on the basis of individual incubation program prepared for any type of business startup. Incubator program will consist of basic and specialized services, targeted to the needs of each company.
- basic incubator services (a.o. access to jobs, accounting services, tax, legal, marketing and consulting),
- specialized services for demand-driven startup and necessary to carry out the work on the development of a new business idea ( for example technical, technological, engineering, information technology, design quality, the marketing, legal), this includes testing and verifying the ideas and concepts until prepare an appropriate business model (verification of sales channels, marketing research, organizational support, etc.)

How it's working?
- Originator complete a questionnaire, which describes his business idea and justifies its innovative character. Applying is done by a central database created by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development on the website
- A panel of experts evaluates the applications and recommends ideas which can take part in the process of incubation.
- The best of originators can register the startup company in Eastern Poland (in the form of a capital company, with the majority of the shares in the new company should have the originator to 35 years).
- Maintainer startup prepares plan incubation and then incubation agreement is signed.
- Start of work on the development of idea for the preparation of the minimum necessary functionality of product (MVP), which can be up to 10 months.
- The company after the completion of the process of incubation, which is ready to enter the market with an innovative product, receive a written recommendation Animator Platform through which they can apply in the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development of non-repayable aid to 800 000 zł within the sub-measure 1.1.2 PO PW.
Criteria for the assessment of ideas
- The primary criterion for the assessment of idea is innovation, i.e. the degree of novelty of the product realized in the future based on their idea. Innovation is required at least at the national level.
- The degree of novelty of the product can be seen in category of:
- new product in the world, creating a whole new market;
- new product (new product line), allowing entry for the first time on an existing market;
- additional product, supplementing the existing products;
- improvements to existing products, with improved performance or greater perceived value, entering on the place of existing products;
- product which reduce costs and complies with current functions at lower cost
- Moreover, presented ideas must be assessed for:
- indispensability – there is something that customers want?
- profitability – they are ready to pay for it? if not, who can pay for it?
- feasibility – if the problem can be solved?
- In the recruitment can not be presented ideas that are already the subject of business of the originator.
The project is co-financed by the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund - Operational Programme Eastern Poland Priority Axis 1 Entrepreneurial Eastern Poland, Measure 1.1 Platform startup for new ideas, Sub-measure 1.1.1 Platform startup for new ideas
More informations about project provide emplayees of Department of Consulting and Technology Transfer.