Jan Kochanowski University

It is a dynamic academic centre cooperating extensively with other research centres and with the local government, conducting a series of research projects for the needs of the Świętokrzyski region. The Jan Kochanowski University is one of the fastest growing universities in Poland. In recent years it has seen a gradual expansion of its social, research and scientific facilities. The university has seven faculties: Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty of Law, Administration and Management (over 8,000 students), Faculty of Education and Arts and in its branch in Piotrkow Trybunalski the Faculty of Philology, and Faculty of History and Social Sciences.
More information available at: www.ujk.edu.pl
Kielce University of Technology

This largest technical university in the region consists of four faculties: Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Automation and Computer Science, Mechatronics and Machine Building and Faculty of Management and Computer Modelling. Currently it educates about 9,000 students within 15 courses and more than 40 specializations. The university has the right to confer the doctoral degree in six disciplines: automation and robotics, construction, environmental engineering, electrical engineering, mechanics, construction and operation of machinery, and the right to confer the degree of assistant professor in three disciplines: construction and operation of machinery, construction and electrical engineering. The University offers full academic studies of first, second and third degrees. Currently, the University employs 395 academic teachers.
More information available at: www.tu.kielce.pl
International School of Design in Padua

The Scuola Italiana Design was established in 1991. The school's mission is to educate and support the professional development of future designers and promote culture and knowledge about design among enterprises. The most important tasks of the university also include consultancy services and the implementation of innovative products in enterprises. So far, the School of Design has cooperated with 130 companies, both small and medium-sized, as well as the giants in the market such as Alfa Romeo, Aprilia, Benetton, Diesel, Ferrero, Fiat.
More information available at: www.scuolaitalianadesign.com.
Maribor University

It is one of the leading providers of excellent conditions for regional development in Slovenia. The university is very active in the area of international cooperation. It is a member of the Association of European Universities and the ALADIN (Alpine-Adriatic Initiatives) network. The Faculty of Organizational Sciences, which is a project’s partner, has more than a 50-year tradition in the field of education. Currently, it is running programs in the area of information systems, human resources, education systems as well as systems for business and work.
More information available at: www.fov.uni-mb.si
University of Applied Sciences in Vorarlberg

The University has proven experience in developing solutions with the involvement of more than 100 companies and international organizations as well as in effectively obtaining financing and grants from external sources. The university collaborates with industry in conducting a highly competitive research aimed at creating innovative solutions in the field of applied science. As a university of applied sciences it focuses on cooperation with business and industry, namely on mutual learning and knowledge exchange. For the purposes of this cooperation, the University has focused its resources on three strategic areas i.e. micro-technology, user-oriented technologies and engineering of the product and the process. The University willingly provides its solutions to both small and medium-sized businesses as well as international companies.
More information available at: www.fnv.at
Technical University of Kosice

It is a leader in the development of innovation in the ICT sector in Slovakia. The main faculties whose work is relevant to the business, innovation and economy based on networks of relationships are: Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science and Faculty of Mining, Ecology, Management and Geo-technology. Research projects have so far focused on creating business relationships, socio-economic analyses of the impact of information and communication technologies, e-business and building trust in business networks. Also significant are knowledge management, Internet technology, logistics, e-government and regional development. The University staff has extensive experience in the implementation of international projects. Among the European research and development projects already implemented are WEBOCRACY (support network for e-Democracy), PRISMA (innovative models and evaluation for e-Business), BEEP (Best e-European Practices), KNOWWEB (support network for knowledge management in the company ).
More information available at: www.tuke.sk