Special Economic Zone

The Special Economic Zone in Starachowice was established until 31 December 2020by virtue of the Council of Ministers Regulation of 9 September 1997. Since 13 January 2011 the Special Economic Zone “Starachowice” has occupied a total area of 580.5949 hectares. In subzones:
- Starachowice -168,3420 hectare - Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship
- Ostrowiec Św. - 78,4140 hectare - Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship
- Skarżysko Kam - 9,6992 hectare - Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship
- Końskie - 36,1300 hectare - Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship
- Stąporków - 34,1431 hectare - Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship
- Suchedniów - 6,6589 hectare - Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship
- Morawica - 80,3698 hectare - Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship
- Szydłowiec - 13,5147 hectare - Masovian Voivodeship
- Iłża - 9,1693 hectare - Masovian Voivodeship
- Tułowice - 16,7260 hectare - Opole Voivodeship
- Mniszków - 4,0346 hectare - Lodz Voivodeship
- Puławy - 99,6363 hectare - Lublin Voivodeship
- Sędziszów - 17,1010 hectare - Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship
- Kielce - 6,6560 hectare - Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship
More information available at: www.sse.com.pl

The Association was founded in autumn 1992 in accordance with the Law on Associations. Currently it comprises 180 individual members and more than 50 supporting members which are innovation and entrepreneurship centres, research centres and other institutions engaged in the promotion of entrepreneurship and support of local development.
The Association acts as a network coordinating and inspiring individuals and organizations supporting entrepreneurship, innovation and local / regional development. It actively participates in various initiatives for the development of entrepreneurship and business environment institutions.
More information available at: www.sooipp.org.pl
Upper Silesian Agency for the Promotion of Entrepreneurship SA

The Agency was founded over 15 years ago. The Company's mission is to create adequate conditions and instruments to improve the competitiveness of the economy of our region. Initially, the main task of the Upper-Silesian Agency for the Promotion of Entrepreneurship was to support the activities of the government administration in structural and ownership changes in state-owned enterprises.
Over time, the focus of the Company's operations changed. The aim is now to promote the Silesia Region and the revival of small and medium-sized enterprises. During the last few years the image of the region has changed as well as the needs of business and local government communities or demands and expectations of Poles.
More information available at: www.gapp.pl
Local Development Agency Ltd.

The Agency was founded in 1999. The establishment of the entity was part of the policy of the city of Gliwice and its partners related to the support of small and medium-sized businesses. Since that time, the first Business Incubator in Gliwice has been operating.
At the moment, the scope of the Agency’s activities has been significantly extended. A new and important aspect of its operations is the management of a zone of economic activity called “New Gliwice” Education and Business Centre of Local Development Agency Ltd. A second incubator has been established there. The management of incubators is now one of the main areas of the company’s business operations.
More information available at: www.arl.pl

The HelpInvest project is a tool of the Poznan Academic Business Incubator supporting innovative entrepreneurship. The company’s proprietary system to support young entrepreneurs, developed by the Incubator’s employees in cooperation with experts in the field of investment, and a strategy for the development of companies and commercialization of technology are based on personal experience related to advisory activities and available publications in this field. The strategic aim of the project is to create an effective and efficient system which would simplify the process of investment, creating favourable conditions for cooperation between entrepreneurs, business support institutions and investors.
More information available at: www.helpinvest.pl
Loan Fund of the Świętokrzyskie Region

The Loan Fund of the Świętokrzyskie Region supports pro-innovation and pro-development investments by granting preferential loans for the investment in fixed and current assets. Its offer is directed to companies established or concentrating its activities in the region which operate in the sector of micro, small and medium-sized businesses and are looking for funding for the development of their business operations.
More information available at: www.fpws.eu
Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PAED)

It is a government agency reporting to the Minister of Economy. It was established under the Act of 9 November 2000. The Agency's task is to manage funds from the state budget and the European Union for the support of entrepreneurship and innovation and the development of human resources. The Agency's mission is to create favourable conditions for the sustainable development of the Polish economy by supporting innovation and international activity of enterprises and promoting environmentally friendly forms of production and consumption. The aim of the Agency is the implementation of economic development programs supporting innovation and research activities of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), regional development, export growth, human resource development and the use of new technologies.
More information available at: www.parp.gov.pl
Świętokrzyski Guarantee Fund

It is a company created at the initiative of the Marshal’s Office of Świętokrzyski Region in cooperation with Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego. It operates in the framework of the implementation of the government program “Capital for Entrepreneurs” connected with the expansion system of loan and guarantee funds for small and medium-sized enterprises. The aim of the Company is to support the development of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises and institutions of public benefit established or concentrating their activities in Świętokrzyskie Region by providing guarantees to facilitate their access to credits and loans offered by banks and other financial institutions.
The Fund pursues its statutory objectives in cooperation with economic self-governments, local governments and regional development agencies.
More information available at: www.swietokrzyskifp.pl
Kielce Institute of Design

It is an institution whose aim is to promote design. It cooperates with experts, creators of design, designers and business representatives. Its aim is to promote the significance of design in production, lifestyle and marketing. The Kielce Institute of Design supports not only the design process but also its realization and implementation. It focuses on the development of cooperation between designers and industry.
The Kielce Institute of Design also specializes in the introduction of educational activities in the areas of graphic and product design. The Institute’s proprietary program called “Meet the Process Design”, which includes 2D and 3D design, aims to familiarize its participants with the development of the design idea and tools used for its implementation.
More information available at: www.idkielce.pl

It is one of the largest and fastest growing network of the sector of information technology in Germany. It is also part of the largest Software Cluster in Europe. This non-profit association created in 1997 supports start-ups and young entrepreneurs from the area around Karlsruhe. The extensive range of key participants in the initiative, bringing together national / regional institutions, small and medium-sized enterprises and large corporations, comprises more than 900 members.
More information available at: www.cyberforum.de
Czech Centre for the Development of Science and Society

This is an independent, non-profit association, which includes small and medium-sized enterprises from the high-tech sector, public administration as well as research centres. It is a kind of a virtual centre of excellence, focusing its activities on the implementation of technology in the field of communication and navigation with the potential for further sustainable development. The Centre’s activities focus on international research projects and the use of modern technologies. It supports networks of cooperation of small and medium-sized enterprises within the framework of regional economies. The centre is also active in the areas of agriculture, industry, education and services.
More information available at: www.ccss.cz
Technology Transfer Centre Corvinno

It is a spin-off company established at the University of Corvinus in Budapest. It was founded by a group of scientists who decided to create an organization focused entirely on the use of knowledge and experience. The Corvinno Group was successful in managing organizations belonging both to the public and the private sectors. The Corvinno team combines innovation, effective management and technological knowledge and experience with professional and ethical values. Corvinno is proud to carry out prestigious research projects in the field of modern information and communication technologies as well as the disseminate their results which are presented at conferences, in numerous publications and during workshops. More information available at: www.corvinno.hu

The Institute supports sustainable development based on implementations in the field of R & D and innovation projects, including those financed with European Union funds in the field of ecology, energy, economics and e-business. The E-Institute operates as a “Living Lab” (within the ENoLL network), and its activities are focused on energy efficiency and the development of innovation based on the initiative of users. A long-term strategy of E-Institute Living Lab is designed to promote sustainable energy efficiency and renewable energy through the provision of innovative services based on modern communication technologies, offering the ability to create new forms of cooperation. The E-Institute functions as a mechanism for socio-technical change in the area of energy efficiency and waste management. As the “Living Lab” it also undertakes the task of redefining and rebuilding the range of activities undertaken in the field of energy efficiency.
More information available at: www.ezavod.si